
The martial arts spirit of "starting with bow and ending with bow" is a necessity for youth development as a keynote of martial arts education for human being formation, now the old Japanese martial arts spirit has spread to the world. Now that our company celebrated its 100th anniversary, we have renamed the company for Kusakura co., Ltd. Through this century of existence, we achieve to adapt ourselves to the changes of time. From the first days, we have laid a loom the integrated in our production process all the state of the cotton, from yarn to final product. Moreover, traditionally we used the Kawachi cotton, a famous cotton production in Japan inherent from Osaka region. We repeatedly conduct research and development to build the foundation of today's Judogi in order to respond more quickly to the changing market needs. As a pioneer of Judo clothing, and as the top brand of judo clothing from the world. In addition, we got every Judo related products, from the goodies to the material to build your own Dojo. Moreover, these products are widely used through Japan as teaching materials for junior high and high school physical educational department. Also, all our products are available in sports shops and martial arts store in Japan, and numerous clubs and athletes trust us.
In Japan, we are accredited by the All Japan Judo Federation as an official dealer, and overseas we are certified as an International Judo Federation (IJF) official supplier. For the last years, we regularly exported our brand “KUSAKURA” in Europe, Asia, Oceania and America. And various national team that participated to the Olympic Games and the World Judo Championships loved our Judogi. Even in Kendo, we are trying hard to make products that stand out of our competitors. All our employees are united throughout martial arts equipment and we aim to strengthen the foundation of our knowledge in manufacturing, to improve our experience and our skills, to contribute and to make efforts in order to develop martial arts goods including quality control aspects.
President and Representative Director Mr. Miura Masahiko