The beginning in the sewing industry. Firstly, worked on Hakama and Dogi. Then, we quickly began to integrate in the production woven fabric, that is how the brand Kusakura was born.

For the 18th Olympic Games that took place in Tokyo, Judo made is first apparition as an Olympic Sport.
For this event, we offered Kusakura Judogi to the Japanese national team.

Mechanized for the first time, the fabric of Judogi making full use of woven fabric technology.
We also succeeded in exposing Judogi through the whitening, and we became the world's forerunner.

Birth of the Kusakura logo.
Incorporing a "S" from the Sakura, Japanese national flower, and borrowing its color from the Hinomaru, the red circle on the Japanese flag.

Cooperating with the institutions in the research of new Judogi colors.
We submitted various sample of different colors and contributed to the adoption of the blue Judogi.

As a manufacturer of technical judo equipment, we worked hard to establish a new standard for the Judogi.

With the anniversary of century of the foundation, we changed the company name to "Kusakura", which is known internationally as a brand.